


A primary way the District carries out its mission is through a well registration and permitting program. All water wells drilled in Montgomery County must be registered with the District. Wells fall into one of two categories: exempt or non-exempt.


Non-exempt wells are those capable of producing more than 25,000 gallons of groundwater/day. These types of wells are subject to permitting and must comply with the District’s production fee schedule.



Exempt wells are typically single family residences and those with livestock, and are not required to have a permit, however they must register with LSGCD. These wells are unable to produce more than 25,000 gallons of groundwater per day, and there is NO COST to register these wells.

The purpose of registration is so that well locations can be maintained in the District database. This is important for a number of reasons, including ensuring two wells are not placed too close together, and so that if a contaminant should ever seep into groundwater, the District can alert all well owners about the issue.


Non-Exempt Permit Process

  1. Fill out and submit a permit application and well registration form, along with any required fees.

  2. District staff will review the application for completeness.

  3. The application will be scheduled to be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting of the District’s Board of Directors, and a “Notice of Permit Hearing” is posted in the newspaper.

  4. If the application is approved by the Board, the permit fee statement is issued and mailed for the amount of water requested.

  5. Once fees have been received by the District, the permit is issued and mailed to the permittee. Drilling can begin upon issuance of the permit.

  6. Once drilling is complete, a State of Texas well log is due to the District.


Maintaining Your Permit (Non-Exempt Only)

Read each meter associated with a well monthly, and log the reading and pumpage so that it is available for inspection by the District at any time. Any overpumping is subject to enforcement action.

Annual pumpage reports are due to the District no later than February 15th for the year prior.

Annual usage fees are due no later than January 1st for that current year. Once usage fees are received, the permit renewal is approved and mailed back to the permitee.